Meet Wini Lao

Our Bee & Kin Women Series features female dreamers and doers paving the way and pursuing their passions. This week, meet Wini Lao. She is a New York City-based lifestyle and product photographer who champions women-owned and purpose-driven brands like Bee & Kin. From working with bloggers and entrepreneurs to global brands, Wini has created bright and vivid content that elevates, inspires, and defines brands.
How did you end up in New York City?
I was born and raised in New York. It's my home and can't imagine myself anywhere else.
What is your proudest moment?
Photography is my second career and that was always difficult to explain to my immigrant parents. When I photographed an event for Adidas, it was the first brand they heard of and knew. My dad was so proud and that made me so happy. Sharing that experience with my family was a proud moment.
Is there another career path you've fantasized about having?
I've always wanted to create a camera bag. I am not sure when that will be and how it will look, but I often fantasize about it.
What's one unexpected thing that's helped you stay positive during this time?
I love watching old tv - Alias, Friends, Brothers and Sisters, etc...while I edit. My main drive that kept me positive is chatting with my photography community. My friend Phoebe and I nearly Facetime everyday. Even though we can't meet in person, we are there for each other virtually.
What does your WFH outfit look like?
The weather is finally warm enough for my Adidas shorts, a low-key comfy T-shirt and a layer of creative ideas for my home shoots. Comfort is key for photo shoots.
Do you have any tips for staying creative/inspired while working from home?
Staying creative and inspired is so difficult when I am stagnant at home. I enjoy listening to Create and Cultivate Expert IG lives in the background while I edit. The experts are ladies who built their own businesses and are very inspiring! As a visual creative, I often go on Pinterest to find inspiration and they are so helpful for next creative projects.